Explanation of the ABD Seal

The seal of the American Board of Dermatology contains the lamp of knowledge along with the year that the Board was founded – 1932.

2014 Abd Logo

Display of the seal is restricted to official American Board of Dermatology documents. Diplomates are not permitted to use the ABD seal. Diplomates are instead encouraged to generate a personalized certification mark to display on their letterhead, email signatures, social media profiles and other forms of advertising.

The use of this mark informs the public that a diplomate meets the certification requirements established by the ABD, including education, training, and experience.

To generate a Cert Mark, click the ABD Tools menu option in the blue profile box and select the 'Generate Cert Mark' link.

Cert Marks are available for General Dermatology and Subspecialty certifications:

Dipl Cert Mark Template All Marks